Min­is­ter: Alo­ha to (Name) and (Name) and to our guests. Alo­ha tru­ly is the per­fect word to de­scribe a wed­ding as alo­ha means hel­lo, good-bye and with love and that is ex­act­ly what you are do­ing here to­day. You are say­ing alo­ha to your sin­gle lives for­ev­er. You are say­ing alo­ha to your mar­ried life to one an­oth­er and you are do­ing it with love. So I bid the two of you Aloha.

In an­cient Hawaii, there was not a tra­di­tion­al wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny as we think of to­day. Even the courtship of a cou­ple was dif­fer­ent. In an­cient Hawaii if a man want­ed to court a woman, he would present her with a flower (min­is­ter gives a flower to the groom) If she ac­cept­ed the flower and placed it over her left ear above her heart, then that would sym­bol­ize that this woman is spo­ken for. How­ev­er, if the woman placed the flower above her right ear, then that you sym­bol­ize the she is seek­ing to find love and still avail­able. So at this time, I ask that __________ present __________ with this flower. If you ac­cept this flower then place it above your left ear just over your heart. If you do not ac­cept this, then place it over your right ear. Bride places flower over the left ear.

Alo­ha! You have now let every­one know that the two of you are in love.

In tra­di­tion­al Hawaii, the sa­cred Ku­ki nut lei was re­served for those peo­ple who were held high­ly with­in the com­mu­ni­ty. The kukui nut lei was re­served on­ly for roy­al­ty, trib­al high archy and those most loved with­in your com­mu­ni­ty. The kukui nut lei, like your love, will nev­er die or fade or tar­nish un­less you don’t take care of it. At this time, If you feel that your __________ is wor­thy of your high­est love, then hon­or them by don­ing them with the sa­cred kukui nut lei. (Bride and groom ex­change lei’s)

Alo­ha! In an­cient Hawaii the two of you would now be wed. So I bid the two of you Alo­ha! Farewell to your sin­gle life, Wel­come you in­to mar­ried life and may you al­ways do so with love. Alo­ha __________ and _________.