I,____, take you, ____, to be my law­ful wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day for­ward. For bet­ter, for worse, for rich­er, for poor­er, in sick­ness and in health…for all eternity.

I, _______, take you now, in the pres­ence of God and these wit­ness­es, to be my wife/husband. I promise to love you, to hold you and to hon­or you, in good times and in bad, to en­joy you, to com­mu­ni­cate with you al­ways, and to con­sole you when you need con­sol­ing. I will give thanks for you each and every day, and cher­ish you with all of my heart un­til our time to­geth­er on earth has ended.

________, I promise to be a good and faith­ful husband/wife to you, and al­so a pa­tient, lov­ing father/mother to (chil­dren’s names), car­ing for them and pro­vid­ing for them as my own. I promise to be their strength and their emo­tion­al sup­port, lov­ing them with all my heart forever.