______, as we stand be­fore both God and man mak­ing pub­lic our com­mit­ment to one an­oth­er, I wish to make it known that I rec­og­nize God’s au­thor­i­ty over my life which is ex­er­cised from His lov­ing heart . He has cho­sen me to be one of His own, and has since been my life. I rec­og­nize al­so that He has blessed me, and en­trust­ed to me your life as an un­earned gift. In recog­ni­tion of these things, I, _____, take you, _____, to be my wife. I pur­pose to love you with His love, to pro­vide for your needs through His en­able­ment, and to lead you as He leads me, as long as He gives me life, re­gard­less of cir­cum­stances. ______, I look for­ward to es­tab­lish­ing a home where Christ is glo­ri­fied. To­ward that end I promise to al­low God to use you in my life as He sees best in build­ing me in­to His per­son. I thank Him for your love and friendship.