As we stand be­side the ocean tide,
may our love al­ways be as con­stant and unchanging
as these nev­er-end­ing waves that pour be­neath our feet,
flow­ing end­less­ly from the depths of the sea;
your love came soft­ly up­on my heart,
just as the foam comes soft­ly up­on the sand, and
just as there will nev­er be a morn­ing with­out the ocean’s flow,
so there will nev­er be a day with­out my love for you.
I pledge my­self to you this day.
Our love will be as un­chang­ing and de­pend­able as the tide;
as these wa­ters nour­ish the earth and sus­tain life,
may my con­stant de­vo­tion nour­ish and
sus­tain you un­til the end of time.