I, (name), take you, (name),
to be my (wife/husband),
know­ing in my heart that you will be a faith­ful friend,
and a lov­ing companion.
On this spe­cial day, in the pres­ence of our rel­a­tives and our friends as witnesses,
I give to you my sa­cred vow that
I will al­ways be with you and sup­port you,
in times of sick­ness and in times of health,
in times of joy and in times of sorrow.
I promise to love you completely,
to con­sole and com­fort you dur­ing dif­fi­cult times,
to laugh with you and to grieve with you,
to share with you life’s sim­plest but most en­dur­ing pleasures,
to be truth­ful and hon­est with you,
and to cher­ish you,
for as long as we both shall live.